Materials for the posters (sheets, markers, old magazines, etc.).
- The facilitator introduces the topic of Greatness by sharing the campaign of Nike in 2012.
- The facilitator can deeply explore the concept of greatness relating it to the learning experience the participants has been through.
- The facilitator asks participants to individually develop a poster (A1 at least) about another colleague. The facilitator randomly defines who will be developing the poster for whom by creating a paper for each name and participants picking one paper from a bag.
- The facilitator must define the rules: setting the time to develop the poster; draw and/or include a picture or a set of pictures related to their colleague; use their own words to complete the statements in the poster: 1) Greatness is…; 2) Find your…; and, add the name of the receiver.
- The facilitator should allow participants to move outside the room and work on the poster individually with the resources they want to use.
- The posters can be fixed on a wall once they are ready.
- When all posters are fixed, participants are invited to walk through the exhibition.
- The facilitator must give time in the end to sum up the activity goal and clarify how each participant can take the best from their poster to understand how they can move forward in their learning and professionally.
- The facilitator must be prepared to introduce the topic of greatness in order to guide participants to develop the poster accordingly.
- During the activity, the facilitator must guide participants to be concise and clear in the message they want to transfer to the receiver.
- At the end, the facilitator must highlight that this poster is a gift for the receiver to take and make the most of it.
An example developed by Slovenian teachers
Nike campaign of 2012
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