- White sheets
- Pens/Pencil

- The facilitator introduces the activity by asking participants to write down, on individual cards, at least 5 movie characters that they are familiar with and place them face down in the centre of the room.
- The facilitator then asks participants to randomly pick one of the cards and sit in pairs. The pairs should be formed by people working in the same team.
- The facilitator asks participants to embody the character they picked and provide feedback to the person in front of them in the style of that character, for 1 minute.
- Finish the activity by asking participants to share their experience in pairs.

- The facilitator should advise participants to choose a movie character that is recognisable by most people.
- The facilitator can adjust the duration of the activity according to the goal of this feedback session.
- At the end of the activity, the facilitator can conclude the session by giving space to any participant that wants to share what they liked most and least, as well as what they learn and become more aware of after this experience.

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