- Express your feelings!

- The facilitator divides the participants into pairs, or they let the participants choose their own partner.
- The facilitator invites the participants to walk around the room and tell their partner how they felt DURING the activity, what they liked or didn’t like, and what they remembered the most from the activity.
- The participants talk to each other about their feelings AFTER the activity and what they liked the most, or what they liked the least.
- At the end of the activity, the participants talk about the experience of their partner, in first person, by introducing themselves with their partner’s name. They present the findings of the partner as if they had experienced it themselves.

- The moderator must be careful to not comment or make judgments while the participants are reporting about the findings.
Created by Slovenian teachers Marjana Šoš, Nina Križanec Rodica and Leonida Rožanski

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.