- White sheets
- Pencils
- Markers
- List of movie quotes to share with participants if needed (https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/lists/best-movie-quotes-hollywoods-top-867142)

- The facilitator starts the activity by asking participants to sit in groups. The groups should be formed by people working in the same team.
- The facilitator introduces the activity by asking participants to write down 3 movie quotes that they will use to create a new story. The story should be used as a tool to provide feedback within the working teams.
- The facilitator asks participants to share their stories with the larger group, promoting reflection and discussion about the activity.

- The facilitator can prepare a list of movie quotes and ask participants to randomly choose 3 quotes if they are having difficulties remembering quotes or lines from movies.
- At the end of the activity, the facilitator must bring the group back together and give space to any participant that wants to share what they liked most and least, as well as what they learn and become more aware of after this experience.

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