- Pen
- Paper
- Scissors
- Blu Tack
- Colouring pencils

- Draw the template which can be found at the end of this ‘Steps’ section. Draw the balloons separately to the chart.
- Take a balloon and write down a word such as confidence, focus, stress, or any other feelings.
- Stick these words onto the chart which you have drawn depending on how you feel in regards to a specific situation or task.
- Then rate yourself on the chart. This starts off at a base level and reaches for space (see image)!
- During the day reflect on these feelings and some may rise or some may deflate. Everyday is likely to be slightly different.
- A facilitator can discuss these challenges or patterns.

- This exercise can be used within different settings e.g. in education or employment. It is especially useful using this with children and young adults.
- In an educational setting, this could be added to a wall with other students’ charts to monitor things like productivity.
- Repeat this process regularly and see how you feel during the week. Are there certain times of the day when you are less happy/productive/focused than others? Is there anything you could do to change this?
Created by Inova Consultancy as part of the Feedback project.

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.