- Pencils
- Markers
- Materials for collage (Old Magazines, Glue, Scissors, etc..)

- The facilitator starts the activity by asking participants to sit in groups.
- The facilitator asks participants to think about the feedback that they want to deliver to their future self.
- The facilitator then asks participants to create a postcard consisting of a visual composition and the written feedback using the material provided.
- Participants can create their own digital postcard and share it on their personal social networks, using hashtag such as #theonestocome.
- The facilitator asks participants to share their created postcards with the larger group, fostering reflection and discussion about the activity (optional).

- The facilitator must be prepared to have an active role at the beginning, introducing the goal and the rules of the activity.
- During the activity, the facilitator must guide participants to be concise and clear in the feedback they want to give to their future self.
- At the end of the activity, the facilitator should give space for participants to share their feelings and reflections.

Developed during the FEEDBACK Training for Trainers workshop

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.