- Picture
- White sheets of paper
- Pencils

- The facilitator starts the activity by showing the participants a picture taken from the first frame of this video. The facilitator can introduce the picture by stating: “A young woman can’t believe what is happening. She has her hand over her mouth. She is speechless. Who knows what is going on?”
- The facilitator then divides the participants into groups of four by draw. Participants draw numbers and form groups according to the number they have got.
- The facilitator gives participants 10 minutes to think in groups about possible answers to the question (“Who knows what is going on?”). Each member of the group should first individually think of an answer and then present their answer to other members of the group. The members of the group then agree on the answer which seems most likely to them.
- After ten minutes the facilitator calls the groups to present their answer.
- The facilitator shows the participants the video containing the picture they had to discuss.
- At the end of the activity the facilitator gives time to sum up the activity’s goal (reflecting on the importance of bias and different points of view) and gives the participants the chance to share their opinions.
- The facilitator stimulates then the discussion related to specific learning outcomes/expectations.

- The activity can be performed in pairs, too. Members of each pair must take over the role of a young woman asking her interlocutor the following question: “…………………… (name of the participant), what is going on?”
- The answer provided must relate to his/her learning/work achievements.
Created by Slovenian techers Barbara Eisenzopf and Nataša Sever

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.